Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A week and a half to go....

With just a week and a half until school starts back up, I've starting researching and designing new projects.  I've always done COMPLETELY different themes for each of my grades, K through 8 and I'm a little burned out.  How many of you choose one theme and implement that theme across the grades?  Any advice is appreciated!

Oh and get ready...


  1. wow...we've been back since July 27th..and the kids returned Aug. 1st! :)

  2. Whoa! You must get out really early for summer break!

  3. Nope! End of May. is a "balanced" calender concept. 9 weeks on..2 weeks off. So..we get a two week fall break...two week Christmas break...two week spring break.

  4. I love doing a different theme every year...I don't necessarily make ALL of my art projects follow the theme for a year, but I always do at least 4-5 projects with each grade level I teach (K-6) according to my theme and then we have one art show in May on budget day according to that theme. My first year of teaching, my theme I taught to was famous artists. Last year I did cultural art, and this year I plan on doing art based on nature, which will include recyclable art. I'm currently in the process of uploading photos to my new blog, but I have the photos from this past year's art show up!

  5. I am starting off the year with three schools and each school will study a different culture. Australian Aboriginal, Ancient Egypt, and Pacific Northwest Coast. I do a different project with grades 1-5. I will not be including Kinders in this as they need to learn so many basic concepts in the artroom and I don't want to overwhelm them. If I can, timewise, I will rotate the units among the three schools.
