Wednesday, May 30, 2012

In the Art Room - Lego Designs

My 6 year old LOVES Legos and he was the impetus for this project.  The 4th grades received a quick tutorial from me on how to draw a standard minifigure.  Then I gave them tips on how to add facial features (no noses of course!) and hats or hair.  They loved this project and were quite creative with their designs.


  1. Love, love, love this lesson!!!!!!!! jan

  2. Ah. Just read the blurb on the sidebar that says you teach in NoVa. So do I. I wonder if I knew that already. I'm in FCPS.

    1. I teach at a private school in Fairfax County - we could be very close to one another!

    2. What a fun lesson. I bet the kids loved it.

  3. Your robots are fantastic, I'm sure I'll be 'borrowing' them soon! I'm from Australia, so unlike Snippety gibbet (LOVE the name!!) I doubt we'll run into each other any time soon, but isn't it just the most wonderful thing to be able to interact with fellow art teachers across the globe, in real time? When I started my career this could only have been possible through attending a conference - an incredible expense when you are flying in from Oz! It is such an exciting world that art-blogging has opened up!

  4. Love this assignment cant wait to do it!!!

  5. I'm teaching a multilevel age group how to draw Lego figures, this post has helped me have confidence that some of the younger age groups can draw them too! Thank you for posting these projects!!
