Thursday, September 27, 2012
In the Art Room - Neutral Owls
Now that the Kinders have been introduced to the primary, secondary, warm and cool colors, all that was left were the neutral colors. I hadn't done any cutting projects yet, so this project also allowed me to evaluate who knew how to cut and who didn't. I'm always surprised at how many kindergartners can't use scissors! We started with a large brown circle, which I taught them to fold into an owl shape. From there, we cut out eyes, feathers, branches, and moons, glued it all together and called it a day!
Monday, September 24, 2012
In the Art Room - Kinder Pumpkin Wagons
This is lesson covers so many concepts - using the paint the right way, lines, geometric shapes, warm vs. cool colors, as well as background vs. subject. Plus the kinders love to make up stories about their gigantic pumpkins!!

Thursday, September 20, 2012
In the Art Room - Line Design
Still working on reviews around here. First grade and fourth grade completed a quick line review this week. Fourth grade's assignment also served as a check to see if they really understood postive and negative space.
First Grade Line Landscapes
4th Grade Name Designs
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
In the Art Room - 2nd Grade Apple Still Life
I can't remember where I saw this lesson, but it was definitely another blogger so if you recognize it let me know and I'll give credit! This was so easy and they all turned out so well. I started them off with a large circle drawn on their paper to be the plate. We discussed point of view, and more specifically aerial point of view. They viewed several paintings with different points of view and distinguished which ones were aerial. Then we figured out how to paint our apples and backgrounds so our paintings would also have an aerial point of view. We used watercolor and oil pastels to complete the works. They shouldn't be sideways, but I couldn't change it!!
In the Art Room - Cool Chameleons
The kinders have reviewed the primary and secondary colors and are moving on to separating those colors into the warm and cool categories. Here are their cool colored chameleons. As usual, I start them off with a line or shape already drawn on their papers. For these each child had a long curved line on their page. After they named the line, they used it as a starting off point to draw the chameleon. Excuse the sideways pictures - I hate when Blogger does that!
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
In the Art Room - Positive Negative Space
I always start 4th grade out with a lesson on space. The kids love how these notan inspired pieces turn even if they are very tricky to piece back together! I want to display these in October, so the kids had to give their compositions a spooky subject.
In the Art Room - Matisse's Goldfish
My first graders just finished their first art project of the year, a painting inspired by Matisse's goldfish still life. This was a great review of color, line and shape. We also reviewed the right and wrong way to paint as well as the difference between a still life, a portrait, and a landscape. After viewing Matisse's work and discussing what we saw each student received a paper with an oval drawn in the middle. That oval became the top of the fishbowl. They followed oral directions to complete the drawing. It took us three class periods to complete but we are all very pleased with the results!
Monday, September 10, 2012
In MY Art Room
I don't think I've ever posted pictures of my room before. It's huge, with great big windows and a lot of storage space. (and yes that is a Twilight poster on my top shelf - it was a gift!!)
I spent the first 10 minutes of each class, just like you, assigning seats and going over the art room rules. My number one rule is YOU CAN NEVER MAKE A MISTAKE IN ART!!!
I went over new classroom incentives, like artist of the week, which I stole right off of Art Room 104. This is for my 3rd, 4th and 5th grades only. Children who remember all of their supplies, put in effort, help their friends, and maintain a positive attitude can be artist of the week which merits a one time pass to switch your seat in class.
I pointed out areas where only Mrs. Miller is allowed to go, like my roving paint station:
That's about it!
New Ideas for Assessing Students
My middle school students have to turn in their sketchbooks every week for a grade, so I always have a lot of data when compiling their report card grades. However, assessing grades K through 5 has always been a bit tricky for me. Our grades are based on effort and we use a one to three effort scale. I found the "Art Portfolio" below on the Art of Education and I think I will begin using it at the end of every quarter to asses not only what the children learned, but also what they enjoyed the most.

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