Wednesday, March 7, 2012

In the Art Room - Tessellations

My 7th grades make tessellations every year.  This year I had a TON of late assignments.  I hate sending artwork home with kids because I usually don't get it back.  I'd love to hear some of your suggestions with how you deal with late work or work that never makes it back to the art room.


  1. I let my students come in during recess to work on art (I have my prep period during most of their recess times), but I know not everyone has the time to give up their prep for students!

  2. I made up a missing assignment sheet that I attach to their assignment. It has a due date, and may explain what they need to do at home. I also use rubrics that are attached to the paper on the first day of the assignment. I have had better success this way since they don't have their assignment books in my class and it is easy to forget about it. It is a fairly simple thing, but it holds them more accountable.
